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Hearing God's Voice


Kim Hess, November 15, 2023

Have you ever tried hearing for God's voice while listening to a song? This listening exercise may astound you, just like it did for me at last night's healing prayer ministry meeting.

If you'd like to try the exercise, then grab a piece of paper, a pencil, and your source for music. Now, select a Christian song.

"Wait, a Christian song?!" you may be asking, "Why not any genre of music?"

Well, God can communicate through any type of music that He wants. In fact, one time, while I was interceding for a friend in a prayer session across town, the 1972 hit song "Hold Your Head Up" by Argent popped into my head. Frustrated by the intrusion of a rock song blaring into my prayer time, I tried to silence that song and sing a Christian song, but to no avail. Argent's lyrics played louder in my mind.

So, I searched for the song on my music app, increased the volume, and set the song on repeat. I caterwauled. I danced. I prayed. I did all of these actions with my head held high. After numerous replays, I texted my friend to let her know how I had prayed.

Her response gave my Holy Spirit goosebumps.

At the beginning of the prayer session, the person receiving prayer had laid her head on the table due to a wave of extreme exhaustion. But, then as the prayer session progressed, she started to raise her head! Glory to God! The Lord speaks through songs, even those songs not designated as Christian.

Yes, you may select a song from any genre, but for this listening exercise I suggest selecting a Christian song or hymn for the added benefit of worship. But, I'm making a suggestion, not giving a command.

Once you have a pen, a piece of paper, and a song, listen to the song and write down three or four words that seem more prominent, pronounced, or pertinent. Continue listening to the entire song for any last-minute words that seem highlighted to you.

If you chose a Christian song, you may feel the peaceful tug to linger in prayer after the song concludes. Listen for any explanations as to what the highlighted words mean. You may hear Scripture verses. You may hear words of conviction (which differ significantly from condemnation!). You may hear words of encouragement, affirmation, and exhortation. Record all of these words, because you will share them with a specific person.

As I mentioned earlier, I completed this exercise in a healing ministry meeting. The leader played the song "Jireh” by Maverick City. Immediately, every single negative word seemed highlighted to me. I wrote down:






Yes, I listed a fifth word, but Dante Bowe kept singing more negative words and I kept recording them. They all seemed important.

As soon as I wrote down those negative words, the opposite word immediately popped into my head. I wrote down:

nothing => my everything

never => always with you

won't => will be

wouldn't => would

don't => do

Then, I wrote the word "exchange" above the equal signs with an arching arrow pointing between the left to right columns.

Next, I asked the Holy Spirit, what do these lists mean? I perceived that the person for which these words were highlighted needs to surrender the negative thoughts and perspectives, and then I perceived that the person needs to: align his or her thoughts and perspectives with the Lord; receive His thoughts and perspectives; and be with Him, because "I AM."

I looked around the room, wondering who among the other healing ministers needed to hear these words.

Wait! Before continuing to read for the reveal, I encourage you to complete all of the previous steps first, because I do not want the potential identity of the person to inadvertently influence how you listen to the song. When you are ready, please click the comments to see how to identify the person with whom you should share the words and explanations.

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Nov 16, 2023

The person to whom you should reveal the words and explanations is ...


What did you hear from the Lord?

Did these words surprise you?

Did/do they help you?

If yes, why and how?

If you feel comfortable sharing, please add your comment.

(By the way, I'm inviting the Holy Spirit to adjust my thoughts and perceptions by inviting Him to reveal and heal memories and behaviors to align with His thoughts and perceptions!)


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