Have you ever had a dream and wondered, “What does that dream mean?”
A recent dream has me wondering whether God is trying to tell me a prophetic message, or my brain is simply processing life as I sleep.
Despite the advancements in scientific research and knowledge, scientists do not know exactly why people dream. The Sleep Foundation enumerates five purposes: building memory, processing emotion, mental housekeeping, instant replay (reviewing recent events), and incidental brain activity (just a by-product of sleep, no particular purpose). The first four reasons sound valid, but the last one contradicts God's Word.
16 but this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel:
17 ' And in the last days it shall be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams;
Acts 2:16-17 RSV-CE
Since God forms humans, I doubt He creates aspects of us as incidental. Perhaps in time, science will understand God's design better, or it may remain a mystery, like my dream.
The time of the dream was set during the late evening, which is an abnormal time for me to be alert and observant. I’m a morning person. I naturally awaken around five, and easily fall asleep just after nine. In fact, I have inadvertently fallen asleep at friends' houses, if out past 9:00 pm. To remain awake late, I drink caffeine and take an afternoon nap. So, the timing within the dream seems odd.
The setting seems normal and familiar. The scene of the dream is set within a suburb along a local thoroughfare, lined with gas stations, grocery stores, and small businesses. Surprisingly, the road lanes, street markings, and road signs appear without any distortions or morphed images, as some dreams tend to alter details. No details seem out of the ordinary, except for the horizon.
When I glance at the skyline, I gasp!
I count at least five exceptionally large moons lined across the horizon. These moons appear significantly larger than a supermoon. According to NASA’s website, “A supermoon looks larger just because it's a bit closer to Earth. 'Supermoon' is actually just a nickname for what astronomers call a perigean full moon – a moon that is full and at its closest point in its orbit around Earth." These supermoons appear so close that I can see that they are identical in shape and markings.
But, each moon reflects a different gradient level of brightness. The one on the left glows brightest, while the one of the right barely glows. Each supermoon in between glows less intensely than its neighbor to the left. It's as if they had arranged themselves in order, based upon their own intensity.
The splendor of these moons captivates me, yet no one notices! When I excitedly point out the moons to a person passing by me, a cursory glance elicits a nonchalant shrug or non-committal, "Uh, huh" in reply. Everyone's lack of emotion and appreciation for these supermoons shocks me.
Why do people not understand the majesty of these natural satellites?! Earth only has one moon, but the horizon has at least five supermoons lined across it in diminishing order of radiance. Why does no one wonder about the meaning of this remarkable sight?
Out of frustration, I wake up.
Later that day, I remember the dream and text a few friends asking for a possible interpretation. One woman replies that perhaps the number of moons equals the number of months, and the gradient could indicate seasons, types of months, or timing (near, far, distant). My daughter suggests that most people cannot not fully perceive what God offers them to see. Both women provide feasible interpretations, yet not quite complete.
So, I continue to wonder whether there is a special meaning of the supermoons, or my mind merely needs to wander in order to rest. Perhaps you have an interpretation or God will reveal to me before the next Blue Moon, Harvest Moon, Blood Moon, or Supermoon.